Acai berry products – the perfect health supplement

The Acai berry is one of the latest ‘superfoods’ to be touted as having amazing health benefits for anyone who takes it.  But unlike some of the previous superfoods, this one stands up to testing as providing lasting benefits to those who your products based upon it.

The reason that it is so new to the market is because that, until recently, you could only find the Acai berry in the depths of the Amazon in Brazil.  So for ages, only the local tribe’s people were aware of the berry, where they used it for its wonderful medicinal properties.

Since its discovery, though the Acai berry has undergone significant amounts of tests to understand if it really does have the health benefits it claims. Furthermore, the good news is that findings by such academic centers as the Universities in Texas and Florida suggest that the Acai berry really can live up to its health.

The health benefits of using Acai berry supplements

Aside from the more ‘cosmetic’ (but very useful) benefits of taking Acai berry supplements, such as helping with weight loss and reducing the signs of aging. There are some very real, very significant health benefits to be had from including Acai berry supplements as part of your everyday diet.

Nutritional content

The Acai berry is packed full of goodness.  With high numbers of vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids the nutritional content of the Acai berry is very high.  When you consider that the benefits from these can include such things as helping get a better nights sleep and improving eyesight you can see the value.

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Cleansing the colon

In most fully grown adults the colon is home to over 10lbs of undigested food and compacted waste.  This can cause major health problems, with it causing such issues as bad breath, bloating and infection.  With a huge fiber content, the Acai berry is able to both help cleanse the colon itself and encourage the body to produce the enzymes needed to shift the compacted waste.

Fighting cancer

In 2006 the University published a report that showed the results of its experiments with Acai berry extracts on cancerous human cells, results that astounded the world.  In one test nearly 86% of the cancerous cells were destroyed.  When combined with the antioxidants present in the Acai berry being able to deal with dangerous ‘free radical’ molecules, which are proven to cause cancer by altering the DNA of human cells, easily. Also, naturally it is easy to see why Acai berries are being looked into as part of a fightback against cancer.

As you can see the health benefits of including Acai berry supplements as part of your health regime are very considerable.  Experts such as Dr. Oz on the Oprah show are very keen to make the public aware of what Acai berry supplements can do.  Anyone who has an interest in improving their health, and who doesn’t, should look very carefully into Acai berry supplements, it could be the healthiest decision you ever make.