Want bigger arms? Train your triceps not your biceps

If you were to walk into any weights gym right now the odds are you would see two or three men doing bicep curls in front of a mirror.  It’s easy to understand why.  Many people consider large biceps to be indicative of a strong and well-muscled body, and large, muscular arms are considered attractive by many women.

But in all of this, the triceps always seems to come a poor second behind the bicep.  But this shouldn’t be the case at all.  When working on a muscle building routine to attain large, powerful arm muscles the triceps are just as important as the biceps, if not more so.

The triceps make up 2/3’s of the muscles of the upper arm

When you think of it like that you realize how important the triceps can be to a bodybuilding or muscle building routine.  The bicep only makes up 1/3rd of the upper arm muscles whilst the triceps manages twice that.

So if you are looking for muscle growth and arm development it is vital to target the larger part of the arm as well as the more ‘flashy’ but smaller bicep muscle.  The overall size of the arm is actually what creates more visual impact rather than the size of the bicep.

The triceps need to developed if you want proper size.  Indeed it could be argued that larger triceps muscle are more impressive than a bicep as biceps tend to be larger and more obvious anyway, whereas it takes real work and dedication to developing an impressive looking triceps, which is why many people ignore it in favor of a bicep muscle building regime.

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So make sure your muscle building training includes some of the followings

  • Close-grip bench press
  • Body dips (with or without a weights belt)
  • Tricep pushdown (should have a machine in your gym)

All will help you develop large triceps, build bigger arms and develop a more impressive muscle structure.  Just remember that training triceps is every bit as important a part of your muscle building or bodybuilding routine as bicep training is.