Controlling Excess Weight Gain

Do you want to gain weight? You need to gain weight when you weigh less than your ideal weight. But be careful because, in the process of this weight gain, you reach the stage of obesity. Hence you should always plan to gain weight under expert guidance and follow a slow and scientific approach. Always remember you have to put on muscle mass and not excess fat. However, if you go the wrong way, you still will gain weight but this weight will be more fat mass than muscle and excess of this will result in obesity.

Obesity is a disease in itself. You may not realize it at a young age but yes, it is true, obesity is associated with an increased risk of a numberĀ of diseases and hence increased mortality. Studies have pointed out that people who are obese tend to die at a younger age than people who have an ideal body weight. Obesity reduces life expectancy because it increases the risk of many other health disorders and diseases.

Health risks of obesity

Obesity is a risk factor for a number of chronic diseases that include heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and some forms of cancer. The health risks begin to appear even from a mild degree of overweight (BMI 25kg/ and increase as the weight increases.

Obesity and heart disease

Excess weight puts an excess strain on the heart, and hence an obese person is bound to suffer from angina. Nearly 70% of all detected cases of heart disease are related to obesity. A waist circumference of above 100 cm in men and above 90 cm in women is associated with increased levels of triglycerides, and low levels of good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol).

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Obesity and diabetes

Studies have shown that nearly 80% of individuals with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus are obese. Middle-aged obese people are more likely to get diabetes than their lean partners.

Obesity and hypertension

High blood pressure is very strongly associated with obesity and this further results in heart problems.

Obesity and cancer

Obese women are more prone to cancer of the uterus, cervix, ovary, gallbladder and breast. Obese men are more prone to cancer of the prostate, colon, and rectum. In fact, 24% of all cancer-related diseases are related to obesity.

Other problems

Surgery poses a risk in obese patients due to associated anesthetic and postoperative complications. Obesity is also associated with infertility. It also contributes to joint problems and problems of breathing. These problems limit the individual’s capability for manual work. Also, obesity is related to a higher degree of depression and mental illness.

Considering all the numerous risks associated with obesity, one should try to avoid it and maintain a normal weight. For the underweight, this means that you have to gain weight but under expert guidance and not simply by compulsive overeating. Concentrate on energy dense foods and not on high-fat foods and slowly increase the quantity of food that you eat. This way you will be able to meet your ideal weight and also stay away from the silent killer obesity.