Diet for Liver Diseases

Liver diseases – An introduction

The liver diseases are caused primarily due to the direct absorption of the bacteria and toxins from the intestine. Dietary deficiencies have also shown to produce morphological changes in the liver. This dietary deficiency may also weaken the liver and make it more prone to infections and diseases.

Dietary ideas for liver diseases

Protein deficiencies in the body can produce a fatty change and also necrosis in some experimental animals. The liver can be screened from these kinds of changes in our body by the amino acids so, high protein diet is very much necessary in managing the liver disease.

The milk and milk products are rich in methionine and hence milk administration can prevent the necrosis of the liver or the fat deposition of the fat in the liver. A number of proteins that are needed by the patient depend on the amount of energy that is needed by the patient. The deposition of the fat is a direct indication of the fact that the proteins are sufficiently taken in the diet.

What is in the Liver?

In the liver, glucose is stored in the body as glycogen. The glycogen helps in the protection of the liver cells against any infections or damage. The carbohydrates can be metabolized and used by the tissues directly and hence in severe liver damage, the carbohydrates are useful for meeting the calorie requirements when there is a protein-fat contraindication. The carbohydrates are also helpful in reducing the endogenous breakdown of the proteins.

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Vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin D are stored in the liver. In the period of the liver diseases, the vitamin storages are reduced so, to compensate the vitamin, high vitamin diet along with the supplementary should be provided to the patient. Also, the vitamin D absorption from the gut is also reduced.

Minerals like sodium, potassium, and iron are reduced during the liver diseases and thus creating an imbalance in the electrolyte in the body. To compensate the loss of these minerals, high fruit diet and beverage diet is necessary. Supplements of potassium can also be given to the patient.

What should be avoided?

The spices and chilies should be avoided completely although there is no confirmed accession of the effect those spices and chilies cause to our body. It remains likely that the spices and chilies can damage and destroy the liver cells and hence contribute to the development of cirrhosis.

In patients, the consumption of the alcohol produces damages in the liver and can cause jaundice. The diet for the patients with the liver disorders should contain high protein, carbohydrate, minerals, and vitamins. Food stuffs like fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, milk and milk products should be added to the diet.